Oscar Wilde on the millennials, like every generation before them, they have their foibles and their virtues

“My dear contemporaries, the millennials, are a study in the absurdities of modern life. They live in a world where everyone seeks to outdo one another in their pursuit of ‘authenticity,’ a quest that has led them to the most curated, ironically detached, and filter-enhanced existence ever conceived.

These young souls are the digital artisans of their time, mastering the art of constructing their online personas with unparalleled finesse. Their social media feeds resemble curated galleries of their lives, carefully filtered to perfection. Everything is a carefully choreographed spectacle, from their avocado toast to their travel photos from obscure destinations.

Yet, paradoxically, their quest for individuality has left them conforming to the collective ideology of ‘woke’ culture, where political correctness reigns supreme. Their conversations often tread on a minefield of buzzwords and phrases, and any deviation from the prescribed language results in swift condemnation. The pursuit of freedom of thought has given way to a form of ideological totalitarianism.

Millennials are, of course, not entirely to blame for this predicament. They have been reared in a world of instant gratification, where smartphones provide instant access to an endless trove of information. This ceaseless barrage of data has led to shortened attention spans, a superficial understanding of complex issues, and the incessant need to be entertained.

Their desire for meaningful work and life experiences has also clashed with the realities of the job market. As many have struggled to find stable employment, they have been subjected to financial pressures and the encumbrances of student loans, which hinder their ability to fully embrace their lofty aspirations.

Nonetheless, I must commend them for their zest in questioning the status quo, for their willingness to challenge societal norms and demand change. Their dedication to causes such as environmental sustainability and social justice is commendable. They are not content to be mere spectators of the world; they wish to be its agents of transformation.

In the end, one cannot help but admire the millennials for their exuberance, their creativity, and their pursuit of a better world. They may be navigating a world defined by selfies and instant gratification, but they are also the torchbearers of new ideas, new perspectives, and new possibilities.

The key, as always, is to find a balance between the authentic and the constructed, the radical and the pragmatic, the pursuit of individuality and the collective good. The millennials, like every generation before them, have their foibles and their virtues. It is up to them, and to society as a whole, to steer their course toward a brighter and more enlightened future.”